1604 N Christ Church Rd (Box224), Hanna City, IL 61536

Most recently, we were able to successfully complete a major restoration and renovation 
of the structure of our temple (tuckpointing). But our labors are far from over, since there are still many others tasks to accomplish, in order to pro-actively preserve our beloved church!
This was certainly accomplished through the generosity of many of our church members and people like YOU...! To date, we are still in the need of collecting additional funds in order to fulfill our commitment and thus continue the preservation efforts both now and into our future.

On behalf of all who worship Christ (our Lord and Savior) at this sacred place, we wholeheartedly thank you for your generosity. It would be a great honor for us if you find the opportunity to stop by and witness for yourself what God has done– especially through your kindness!

May the peace of Christ, rule in your hearts now and always!
In His service,

Father Harold Camacho, OSB (Vicar)

Send donations to:   Christ Church Limestone (Memo:  Church Preservation Fund, PO Box 244, Hanna City IL 61536)

Preservation Fund